
CRYSTALLO: the award-winning solitaire puzzle game

Created by Liberty Kifer

Free the six mythical creatures, trap the wicked Black Dragon, and collect treasures along the way in this beautiful solitaire game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Translations, translations, translations! And a peek at the playmat!
almost 5 years ago – Sun, Jun 30, 2019 at 10:40:50 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Last chance to back Starving Artists (and get 6 bonus Crystallo cards to go with it!) :)
almost 5 years ago – Thu, Jun 06, 2019 at 12:42:13 AM

I just wanted to send out a quick reminder for those who missed the first announcement, that the Kickstarter for the second printing of Starving Artists is including ALL SIX creatures from Crystallo as bonus playable art cards!

Have you checked out Starving Artists yet? So much beautiful art and a theme that’s close to my heart! I am a huge art history lover, so I’m really looking forward to showing my girls some of the masterpieces from some of the world’s greatest artists. Can’t wait to get my copy :) 

Just 21 hours left! You can check out the campaign here:


And so the adventure continues...
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Jun 04, 2019 at 03:30:40 PM

So, remember how I said in the last update that I’d be back to work in the morning? Hahahaha. I’m funny. As it turns out, I needed a few days of solid decompression and celebration before I was ready to get back to work. That was one crazy month, am I right? And what a finish! It’s still sinking in.

But, I’m getting to work today on preparing the files to send to the manufacturer so we can get that all-important production proof in hand! I’m positively itching to hold that upgraded bag with the satin lining, and see the Spot UV on the creature cards! And the playmat :D That will be such a thrill! And I will for sure be taking a million pictures of everything, so just be ready for that :p

The new Crystallo Community Facebook group is a pretty happening place now, with over 200 members, and we’ve had some new posts of alternate creature card art there, so if you haven’t joined yet, come check it out here!

I’m also announcing the giveaway winners there this evening, so if you entered, don’t miss that announcement!

As for other news, I’ve been working on a new prototype the last few days while on (partial) break from Crystallo, and I’m having SO much fun with it. It’s nice to take a minute to get back to the design side after spending the last few months so singularly focused on getting Crystallo out into the world. Like a total refresh for the ol’ brain :)

I’ll be back with an update when I have more to share— probably when the production proof is here (unless I think of anything important or interesting between now and then.) I’m looking at some conventions, so I’ll let you know if I plan to be somewhere anytime soon!

And as always, if I missed something... let me know in the comments ;)


WE DID IT! 1,000%
almost 5 years ago – Fri, May 31, 2019 at 11:59:26 PM

Thank you all, from the bottom to the top of my happy heart. :D We're funded. ONE THOUSAND PERCENT funded. I don't think I can fully express what I'm feeling right now. 




2 glasses of wine. Definitely feeling those.


But seriously. I don't even know what else to say, except thank you for believing in me, believing in my game, and making all the dreams I had for Crystallo come true, and then some. :) This has been one of the biggest adventures of my life so far, and I've been lucky enough to have a lot of those. 

Thank you for the kind words, the encouragement, the community.....for sharing and creating and translating and giving your time and energy to help making this happen. It's been humbling and so inspiring. 

I can't wait to get this game into all of your hands and onto your tables. And hopefully, in some small way, into your hearts :) It sure has grown on me! 

I should probably finish this with some sort of more professional sounding, report, or...? I don't know haha... but I've got nothing. Just a big silly grin that won't quit. I'll be back to business tomorrow. 

For now... Just, thank you again. And cheers. And good night!


900% FUNDED. 31 Hours Left. It's giveaway time.
almost 5 years ago – Thu, May 30, 2019 at 04:05:13 PM

I.... I..... I'm at a loss for words. Can't believe the month is almost over. Can't believe we've come this far! I spent the first two days of the campaign positively nauseated with nerves, but these last two? I'm just... happy. I know there's still a TON of work ahead, in many ways this is still just the beginning. But you all have shown me that this crazy idea I've been working on all year wasn't crazy, and it was worth every long night and every minute spent researching and planning. All worth it. Thanks to you.

So. Given my EXTRAORDINARILY good mood today, I wanted to throw together a little thank you present, and see if I can turn it into a little bit of a celebration/party while I'm at it. 


I recently created a group on Facebook, which I'm calling Crystallo Community. I don't want to lose that sense of community and fun that we've had throughout the KS, so I'm hoping this will be a place where you can ask questions, I can run ideas for things past you, we can run challenges, share victories, etc. Do we like this idea? 

As a way to kickstart (haha) the action in the group, I'm inviting you all to join me there tonight and through the end of the campaign for a special giveaway. I've got 5 fun little prizes picked out. I'll make a post in the group for each of the prizes, each with a question. All you have to do to enter is to comment on any of the prizes you like, with your answer to the question. Easy peasy right? Here are the prizes: 

and here is the link to the group, where you can enter to win them. I'll post all the prizes this evening! 

Crystallo Community Facebook Group - Join to enter the giveaway!

I am *so* excited for this :D I hope you will have fun with it too! 

Social Quests Update-- By the numbers

As promised, here is a breakdown of the social objectives. I have decided to include coloring pages as alternate art submissions, just to make it a little easier :D

Firefox art: 4/5

Phoenix art: 3/5

Unicorn art: 4/5

Ice Wolf art: 0/5

Sea Horse art: 1/5

Faerie art: 1/5

And for the social part of the social quests:

5/25 shares of the campaign on Facebook

5/10 pictures of PNP's shared on Instagram

8/20 shares of coloring pages 

1/5 Tabletop Simulator screenshots shared

25/25 shares of the campaign on Twitter (YAY Twitter peeps!) 

0/1 full game streamed on Twitch

I'd like to extend the deadline for this, so that people can continue to participate. Keep sending in that fan art! I've already got some new stuff piling up to show you in a future update. That one Sea Horse? Awesome :D So yeah. I think I was a little over-ambitious with these BUT I have loved every single piece of kid and grownup creativity that I've gotten to see because of it, so I'm really happy about it :) I'd still love to include fan art cards so if you aren't into making art yourself, put those kids to work or harrass your artist friends ;) (And yes, I would happily send out a set of cards made by kids. Like, totally happily.) 

PS-- I have not forgotten that I promised to tell you all the funny story about how I caught the game design bug, and I promise that story is coming :)

For now I hope you'll hop on over to the group and join so you'll be ready to participate in the giveaway! See anything you'd like? What's your favorite? 

Let's party! :D

- Liberty